Top10 Scholarships For Mature Students In Canada

In this free guide, we reveal the top scholarships for mature students in Canada that qualified students can apply for and have a fair chance of being selected.

Financial aid is not only designed for younger students; there are scholarships for older students as well. Thus, this article provides information on scholarships for mature students in Canada. So, if you are an adult without funds and you are considering obtaining a degree, here are financial aids that can assist you.

Mature students are typically those who begin their undergraduate degrees above the age of 21 or graduate degrees over the age of 25. However, age is no barrier to education. Most mature students have been out of school for several years due to certain reasons, which could be family or personal.

On the other hand, some of these students decide to return to school to acquire degrees that will enhance their careers or change their career paths.

Check the table of contents below to see the highlights of the article.


Can mature students get scholarships?

Yes. Many people think that scholarships are designed only for younger students.

However, there are several financial aids for mature students who wish to resume academics in colleges or universities. You will find many of these scholarships for mature students in this article.

Are there grants for mature students?

Of course. There are numerous grants available to mature students to help fund their education so they can obtain a degree.

Scholarships For Mature Students In Canada

The scholarships for mature students in Canada include:

  • NADC Medical Student Bursary (return service bursary)
  • Graduate Citizenship Award for Mature Students in Canada
  • Arts Graduate Scholarships
  • Alberta Award for the Study of Canadian Human Rights and Multiculturalism
  • NADC Bursary for Mature Students
  • Rotary Club of Vernon Scholarships for Mature Students Canada
  • Active Living Scholarship Fund
  • CanLearn (Canada Student Grants)
  • CN North America’s Railroad
  • Ontario Special Bursary Program (OSBP)
  • St. Thomas – Elgin Tourism Scholarship Fund for Mature Students in Canada

NADC Medical Student Bursary (return service bursary)

The Medical and Dentistry Student Bursary is a return service bursary that encourages medical students in Alberta to practice in northern Alberta after completing their medical degree program.

Winners of the financial aid will not have to repay the bursary if they agree to live and work in the north. The value of the bursary is $12,000 or $24,000 annually for a period of four (4) years of the medical program. This bursary is one of the best scholarships for mature students in Canada.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must have been residents of Alberta for 12 consecutive months before the start of their program.
  • Candidates must be enrolled in a medical program designated for provincial funding.
  • Applicants must be willing to live and work in northern Alberta upon completion of their residency and sign a return service agreement.
  • Candidates must not be in default of a provincial student loan.

Scholarship Website

Graduate Citizenship Award

The Graduate Citizenship Award is designed to acknowledge the contributions that graduate students make in Alberta through volunteer services such as student government, student societies, clubs, organizations, or community work.

Recipients are selected by the Graduate Student Association at the higher institution of learning that the recipients are currently attending. The universities where the award is applied include the University of Alberta, University of Lethbridge, University of Calgary, and Athabasca University.

The scholarship amount is $2,000 CAD. It is one of the top scholarships for mature students in Canada.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Candidates must be Canadian citizens residing in Alberta.
  • Applicants must be enrolled for full-time graduate studies at a university in Alberta.
  • Candidates must not be currently attending high school.

Scholarship Website

Arts Graduate Scholarships

The Arts Graduate Scholarships are provided to students residing in Alberta and are enrolled or planning to enroll in full-time graduate studies in music, drama, dance, literary arts, or visual arts.

The scholarships can be used for graduate studies at institutions around the world.

Winners of the scholarship will receive $15,000 CAD.

Scholarship Website

Alberta Award for the Study of Canadian Human Rights and Multiculturalism

This scholarship is designed to encourage graduate students to deliver value for Albertans by promoting informed thinking about Canadian human rights, cultural diversity, and multiculturalism. It will also help students to pursue graduate studies in Canadian human rights, cultural diversity, and multiculturalism, and capacity building to undertake human rights or multicultural work in Canada.

Additionally, the scholarship is supported by an endowment by the Human Rights Education and Multiculturalism Fund and is administered jointly by the Alberta Human Rights Commission and Alberta Advanced Education. It is one of the scholarships for mature students in Canada.

The scholarship value is $10,000 CAD.

Scholarship Website

NADC Bursary

The NADC Bursary is a return service bursary offered to students in the final years of post-secondary studies. It is designed to fund the education of students so they can be trained for high-demand jobs in northern Alberta such as education, social work, medical & health, engineering, and technical fields.

Qualified candidates will be awarded $6,000 per year for a maximum of two years.

As one of the best scholarships for mature students in Canada, winners will be determined by a selection committee based on candidates:

  • program of study and the demand for career program in northern Alberta
  • understanding of northern Alberta
  • academic record
  • answers to essay questions, and
  • financial need

Scholarship Website

Rotary Club of Vernon Scholarships

The Rotary Club of Vernon Scholarships is available to Vernon Area residents pursuing a trade program at the Kalamalka Campus of Okanagan College.

This foundation continues its mission of providing numerous financial aids to students annually. The total amount of aids awarded is $10,500. It includes:

  1. One scholarship of $1,000 to each of the area’s five high schools.
  2. Okanagan College: Two academic scholarships at $1,000 each.
  3. Okanagan College: One scholarship of $1,000 for Aircraft Maintenance training.
  4. Okanagan College: Two new scholarships at $1,000 each for training in the trades.
  5. Vernon Music School: One scholarship of $500.

The scholarship is renewable, and recipients will be selected by the respective institutions and not by the Rotary club. Additionally, the scholarship will cover tuition and books.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must be enrolled in a trade program of at least 12 credit hours each fall and spring semester.
  • Candidates must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Scholarship Website

Active Living Scholarship Fund

The Ohio Ontario International Games through Elgin-St. Thomas Community Foundation offers the Active Living Scholarship Fund.

This financial aid is designed to support adults in higher institutions in the area of physical activity.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of Canada as well as residents of Elgin County.
  • Candidates must be enrolled in an accredited university or college that has a recognized sporting association.
  • Applicants must have completed Grade 12 in the previous year.
  • Candidates must possess leadership skills and demonstrate a willingness towards the importance of participation and inclusion over the importance of winning.

Scholarship Website

CanLearn (Canada Student Grants)

The Canada Student Grant for Part-Time Studies is available to adult students who are enrolled in a part-time undergraduate or graduate degree program of at least 12 weeks long within a 15-week period at a specific institution in Canada. It is sponsored by the Canadian government.

The value of the grant is $1,200 CAD per academic year. It is one of the scholarships for mature students in Canada.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Candidates must have applied and qualified for student financial assistance (have at least $1 of assessed financial need).
  • Applicants must come from low-income families as defined by the Canada Student Loans Program.
  • Candidates must be enrolled in a degree, diploma, or certificate program (at least 12 weeks long within a period of 15 weeks in a row) at a designated post-secondary institution.

Scholarship Website

CN North America’s Railroad

CN North America’s Railroad offers scholarships to encourage outstanding adult students. These adult students are best-in-class women, military veterans, and students of aboriginal background, who are studying in fields specific to CN’s core business including Engineering, Transportation, Sales & Marketing, Human Resources, Aboriginal Studies, Law, and Accounting & Finance.

Scholarship Website

Ontario Special Bursary Program (OSBP)

The Ontario Special Bursary Program (OSBP) is designed for adult students to pursue undergraduate degrees, diplomas, or training program certificates.

Additionally, the students will have to undertake the academic programs on a part-time basis by taking less than 60% course-load (for fully disabled students – less than 40% course-load).

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must come from low-income families.
  • Candidates must have no previous post-secondary attendance.
  • Applicants must provide proof of support as to why they are attending on a part-time basis only.

The bursary will cover the cost of tuition fees, books, babysitting, and transportation costs.

Scholarship Website

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